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Welcome to Canaan Farm

 Canaan Farm is our small, homestead farm in East Monmouth, Maine dating back to the late 1700's, Nothing fancy, but full of charm, and activity year-round.

 The main enterprise here at Canaan Farm, is New England Joinery, our handmade, custom furniture business. We have been here in Monmouth, since 2005. Our handmade furniture is the mainstay for us here.

     Jim Lower, also has, a green thumb! He has been making nutrient rich compost for our personal gardens for 10 years and finally has decided to turn his knowledge and expertise into a business venture.

   With the addition of a John Deere tractor this year, Jim is now able to work the compost piles daily and can produce an impressive amount of finished compost in a modest period of time. 

   We gather all kinds of organic materials, from coffee grounds to leaves, grass clippings, hay, raw vegetable scraps etc. along with aged manure, and thoroughly work it all into the piles. This is not your common "40-year plan" compost pile that sits outback and simply rots. Jim works his piles and knows exactly where each one stands as far as temperatures, and how far along they are in the decomposition process.

  The result is a lush, rich mixture suitable for all of our gardening & landscaping needs.

  Flash forward to 2023, Jim has since switched to No-Till gardening, which promotes a healthy soil environment with no weeds being brought to the surface through yearly tilling. (More on this to come, stay tuned!) 


Canaan farm Organic Garlic
Canaan Farm Organic Garlic
Canaan Farm Organic Garlic
Canaan Farm Organic Compost & Fresh Garlic
Canaan Farm Organic Compost & Fresh Garlic
Canaan farm Organic Compost & Fresh Garlic
Canaan farm Organic Compost & Fresh Garlic
Canaan farm Organic Compost & Fresh Garlic
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